Friday, March 23, 2012


Just viewed the new movie Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows. Highly recommended. Holmes' character, nicely portrayed by Robert Downey Jr. 

Holmes is a practitioner of Bartitsu, a system of Japanese wrestling."

Bartitsu was developed in 1898 by E.W. Barton-Wright, a British judoka who combined elements of grappling, la canne (stick fighting suitable for a walking cane or an umbrella), fisticuffs, and any other nasty method of street fighting he picked up during his long travels abroad working as a civil engineer for railway and mining companies. Barton-Wright spent three years in Japan studying jiu-jitsu and then judo under Jigoro Kano.

Karate Key

Found this ad in an old issue of Soldier of Fortune from 1970s

Monday, March 19, 2012

Shu-Chu Assault Protection Weapon

Rare Kobudo weapon Shu-Chu a self defense weapon made in 70's

Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Cane as a Weapon

This classic and unique American self defense manual was originally written by A.C. Cunningham in 1912. It details a practical and versatile system of self defense using a common walking cane or umbrella. Mr. Cunningham's twenty-three lessons include grip and guard positions; the different types of attack and defence techniques; targets, feints, counter-parries and footwork; dealing with multiple attackers and "special cases" such as defending against an attack by a dog, or using a hat as an additional weapon of self defense.

Lipstick Knife

In the long line of self defense weapons and products for the ladies comes the lipstick knife. The blade is firmly planted in the lipstick container and does not rise or lower by twisting the unit. 

Self Defense Keychain

Self Defense Keychain with Spikes. Looks cool as a keychain and can also be used as a weapon. It has two finger holes so that you can jab your attacker with spikes : ) 

Lethal Self Defense Weapon

At just four inches long, it fits easily in the hand and could be a remote control for opening car doors. 
     But this tiny device is in fact a lethal weapon - a gun capable of firing two 0.25-inch bullets. 
Made in Bulgaria where they cost £15.